VMworld 2015 US – Achievement Unlocked



VMworld 2015 US is the one I’ve been waiting for during my lengthy I.T career and am lucky enough to be visiting San Francisco this year to enjoy the largest VMware event of the calendar year. So what will I be doing over the course of almost a week…

Thanks to VMware for the exclusive blogger pass that has made this possible. As always, I will be summarising keynotes and day-by-day accounts of the key announcements and news items. This will be very difficult during the day so I’m hoping some time in the blogger area will help.

As this event is very unlike the european event I’ll be looking to network with a lot of people and vendors that I don’t always get a chance to at Barcelona. In particular, it will be nice to finally meet a long list of people who I frequently converse with over social media.

As always, there will be a lot of walking and comfortable shoes are a top priority as is pacing out the day to ensure I’m not overloaded with information. VMworld 2015 SF is guaranteed to be a success for me both on a personal and business level so I’m looking forward to the content and the people the most.

If you haven’t registered already then please follow this link to register – Link

Please come back and visit throughout the conference as there will be more updates here and I’m hoping to publish any new articles around devops and containers since these areas seem to be very prominent right now.

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