GSAP – The Final Frontier

A different type of post but one that deserves its own plaque on the mantelpiece due to its unique place on my career path. Time to write about the fantastic learning experience I had in the latter part of 2015. Nothing directly related to technology but more about how to be an effective pre-sales engineer and embrace new ways of introducing cutting edge solutions. GSAP is what I’m hear to rave about….


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Innovation – So how’s EMC playing its part ?



It’s been a long time since my last blog post and to be honest it’s been a busy few weeks in my role learning the ropes and getting familiar with the HUGE portfolio but the time is right for organisations to think about their digital transformation and the ways in which EMC can help them to either realise their goals or redefine them through innovation. There is way too much happening and I want to summarise the key areas of interest that have resonated with me over the last few weeks in this short post. » Read more

Compute in the cloud and storage on premises ? Are you serious ?

techfielddayI was lucky enough to attend Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld and one company that really raised some eyebrows was Velostrata as they presented their vision for hybrid cloud. Not Hybrid cloud in the traditional sense from running VM’s on premises and running VM’s in the public cloud but a mesh of the two leading to an interesting proposal.

What can this company offer consumers that other companies haven’t tried already ? Read on to hear my take…. » Read more

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