London VMUG – July 4th
Its that time of year again for the next London Vmug. In case you haven’t heard by now (I very much doubt it), this is a chance for like minded virtualisation geeks to get together and discuss what is happening in the industry along with some informative sessions from guest speakers talking about trends, up and coming VMware related news and other virtualisation initiatives.
The chair (Alaric Davies) and co. do a great job setting up and planning the event so why not attend even if it is your first time.
Head on over to this link to register for the meeting –
We have some interesting sessions this year and for the first time, Frank Dennemann will be talking about his new venture working for PernixData and the innovative technologies they are using to increase read and write operations using software at the hypervisor layer. I’m looking forward to listening to this one myself !!!
There are also some interesting discussion on VDI and my favourite Veeam guy – Hans (aka The Hulk) de Leenheer will be talking about the next new Veeam release.
Look forward to seeing you there…..