Got some news…Dell EMC Elect 2017

It couldn’t have been better timing. I’m truly honoured to have made the Dell EMC Elect list for 2017. 

I’ve been a vExpert for a while now but first got introduced to the Dell EMC Elect programme when I talked to Mark Browne back in San Francisco at VMworld 2015. I hadn’t got a clue what it was all about and at that stage I wanted to find out more and learn how I could be a member. I knew it was along a similar vein to the vExpert programme but thought it can’t be as prestigious. How wrong was I !!!

Being welcomed to EMC was a great success for my personal career and starting to  talk about the solutions and products was becoming part of my day job so how could I differentiate myself ?? The key tenets to the programme are listed below :


Dell EMC Elect is a community-driven recognition and thank you for individual’s engagement with Dell EMC as a brand over the last calendar year.

Key Characteristics of an outstanding Dell EMC Elect candidate include:

  • Engagement – Members are those engaging here on the DECN, on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and in person at events.
  • Commitment – Being a part of the Dell EMC conversation day in and day out, offering thoughtful feedback and staying optimistic in your language.
  • Leadership – The kind of people who take every opportunity to engage with their peers and represent others as part of the community.


Well I did what I did with VMware many years ago…..I started sharing links, knowledge and socialising the EMC messages. I talked to several people over Twitter when they’d asked me for expert opinion on products and continued to be vocal and evangelise the company and what it stood for to the masses.

Becoming part of Dell EMC after the colossal deal in 2016 was momentous in itself but I knew I had to step up and continue to socialise the wide variety of industry challenges that the company is seeking to address and so I’ve continued to do this. Once I heard that nominations had opened up in 2017 I was keen to try again.

Oh how glad am I that I tried again and am now in the fine company of another 152 individuals globally. This is a small number but shows the strength of the individuals since the overall pool of nominations was 600 !!!

Being amongst individuals I personally know both within Dell EMC and at other companies is a good thing and I’m hoping that I really inject some new vigour into the programme as well as continue to do what I do best.

I don’t mean talking….I mean putting the company’s vision and solutions into context.

Having esteemed leaders such as Michael Dell, Chad Sakac and Dinko Eror to name a few will hopefully carry me in good stead.

I hope I really do myself justice this year and continue to drive the principles of the programme to new heights.

A link to the full listing of members for 2017 can be found here

A big thank you to Mark Browne and the wider Dell EMC Elect team in putting their faith in me and voting for me. I won’t disappoint. Onwards and upwards from here…..

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