Countdown to VMworld Europe – This is it

Its just over a week before I jet off to Barcelona for the annual get together with like minded virtualization enthusiasts. I won’t be listing all the sessions I am attending but am looking forward to more networking and community sessions this year.

Not to be missed are the vBrownBag sessions – vBrownBag TechTalks.

These are great community led presentations and very different to the standard sessions you find at the event. I’ve also volunteered to be on the vExpert panel on Wednesday so why not come and embarrass me further by watching.

Be sure not to cram too much into the day as you’ll find that the community and networking elements of the event are great to share ideas and catch up with people you only know by their twitter handles.

You can catch me in sessions / blogger area / various parties (vRockstar, Pernixdata, Veeam etc.) and I hope to meet some new faces and introduce myself as more than a twitter bod. If you see me, come and say Hi. I’m not your conventional blogger as I’m a manager and not a consultant or an Ops guy so you may learn something about being on the other side of I.T.

See you there !!

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