VMworld – Day 3 Wrap Up

Sanjay Poonen opened up as our host for the day.

The engines that are the powerhouse of the corporation are essentially focused around innovation and customer satisfaction. Bringing them together achieves high growth and a powerful story.

Skyline was a project mentioned that means customers have a proactive approach to support of the their essential infrastructure.

The economic impact is huge over the last 10 years. The revenue alone shows the impressive growth trajectory that VMware has enjoyed.

Sanjay swiftly moved on to show the economic savings from software defined storage and then software defined networking.

The ultimate killer slide was the ultimate economic impact of a hybrid cloud model.

Next up were some customer stories with Vodafone and Rentokil amongst them. Vodafone talked more about NFV (Network Function Virtualisation) and the pace of development in 5G and the research that is ongoing. The key point that Vodafone mentioned is that they are on a path to virtualising their network and telco foundation and looking at cloud.

Sanjay then focused in on devices and the proliferation of mobile.

The eye chart that summed it up was the economic value of Workspace One.

The digital workspace is the key to realising this value.

And so Sanjay brought in customers that have been focused on EUC solutions. The NHS christie group was up first talking about their Horizon and Airwatch deployments and how critical it is for healthcare professionals to be able to access data on any device whilst maintaining a high amount of security.

Airbus was up next to talk through a recent case of swapping out a fleet of blakberrys using the power of Workspace One.

Seeing Martha Lane Fox talk about her journey from Lastminute.com to working closely with the government was a truly inspiring moment. Humble, inspiring and a thought leader would sum up her journey so far.

Thanks for another great keynote.

My moments

I was also honoured and privileged to be interviewed by Aaron Buley who leads the Dell EMC HCI Technology Engineering team. Watch here to learn how community is important to me, Brian Graf and Gina Minks.

Lastly I took part in the vExpert Daily Panel which you can watch here.


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