Pernixdata is finally GA…Time to focus on Server Side Performance…


Finally – some time to write about my next favourite disruptive technology area and I’ve timed this to coincide with the GA announcement that I heard today. So what makes Pernixdata so special ?Poojan Kumar and Satyam Vaghani have created together a company that is truly going places and this has been a long time coming from conception to production. Their vision was simple. Let’s focus on performance scalability and not on capacity. Once that was decided, it was time to go and make it happen. Luckily, they both had a lot of experience from previous ventures. Satyam, with his experience at Vmware and the creation of the VMFS system that is now commonly known amongst virtualisation professionals and Poojan with his experience at Exadata where he helped to define and lead this product.

Take these 2 minds and add some new cutting edge vision for an area that most companies were not focusing on and you have a great recipe for success.

FVP is short for Flash Virtualisation Platform and is essentially a way of accelerating prinmary storage by utilising flash memory at the server level. This could be USB, PCI-E cards or SSD based Flash. It doesn’t matter !! What’s important to understand here is that this is SOFTWARE and it operates at the Kernel level of the hypervisor accelerating both read and write operations which means seamless integration and no need to install agents. This combined with an intuitive user interface for easy management will be tantalising for most individuals.

I haven’t yet tested this in its beta form but have read a lot of interesting blogs of techies that have tested this in the wild with some amazing feedback on accelerating I/O operations whilst reducing application latency.

The other exciting fact is the licensing model is done on ESX Host level and there are more hypervisors to comes later on down the road. This makes for an interesting and viable proposition to a lot of companies and will appear to the SMB market once new pricing models are agreed.

The recent hire of Frank Dennemann is also testament to the growth of expertise within the company and I’m sure we will see a lot more hires as the company gains momentum.

I encourage you all to read up more at the official website – PernixData

For now, please feel free to read more at the offical site and follow @Pernixdata on Twitter. I’m sure this is only the start of good things to come and hopefully we will get to see a lot more at Vmworld this year.

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